Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanksgiving School Party

Both kids had a Thanksgiving lunch at school a few weeks ago. With them both in school it makes it tricky to be at two parties at the same time. Scott and I split up and switch classes so we can be with both G and SK. After the party, we jumped in the car for a whirlwind Thanksgiving break. First stop was Aunt Kim's house in SC, then onto Gigi & Pop's new house in NC.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Magna Doodle Art

One day at nap time Griffin decided it would be more fun to draw than to sleep. He kept coming out of his room showing us his masterpieces - a bus, pumpkin and carrot. We were so impressed with his drawing skills it was hard to be upset with him for getting out of bed during rest time!