Saturday, July 25, 2015

SK's first haircut

Sarah Kate got her first haircut at 3.5 years old. We went to Snip-Its and she got about 3 inches cut. The stylist braided her hair to look like Princess Elsa once she was done. She even got a certificate and a treat.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Griffin starts Kindergarten

Griffin started Kindergarten last week at Laurel Park. He is really enjoying school and learning new things. This is what he did his first week in school.

In reading, we read the book “The Kissing Hand”. This book taught us about Chester the raccoon and his special kissing hand. Ask your child to explain to you why Chester has a special kissing hand. We also visited Letterland. Letterland is a wonderful program that helps students learn their letters, letter sounds, and all of those tricky rules in our English language. We will be doing a fast track through letterland until we track out. During this fast track we will quickly meet each letter and their Letterland character. When we come back in September we will begin exploring more about each letter and their character.
In writing, we started talking about how we can be an author and an illustrator. We practiced neatly drawing pictures of things we know. We will now start labeling our pictures. When your child labels their pictures, they need to write at least the beginning sound of the word. If they are able to write more sounds, we encourage them to do so. Please help your child write their first name independently with a capital letter at the beginning and all other letters lowercase. 
In math, we have been talking about the importance of counting. We are practicing how to rote-count to at least 20 (if your child can go higher, that is great). We will also begin writing numbers.
In social studies, we have been talking about rules and why they are important. See if your child can tell you about our class/school rules and why we have class/school rules. To help with our rules we read a book called “Have You Filled A Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud. The book talks about how you are a bucket filler or bucket dipper.  A bucket filler is a person who makes good choices and is a helpful friend. When you make a good choice and follow rules you fill your bucket and someone else’s as well. When you don’t follow the rules you are being a bucket dipper.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Campbell rolls over

Campbell is so strong and already learned to roll over. She loves sleeping on her tummy but she will roll over to her back and wake herself up. She also just learned to roll from her back to her tummy. She is so fast it's been hard to get a video, but I finally caught her in action.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Family Photos

For Mother's Day this year Scott hired a photographer to take new family pictures of us. She did a great job and I love the way they turned out. Family photos is one of my favorite gifts and I'll always treasure these.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Campbell's almost four months old now and growing like a weed. She's becoming more alert and showing us her smile everyday. Campbell is such a sweet girl and loves her brother and sister so much. She's also learned to roll over and is becoming such a big girl.